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  • JAMA

    Journal of the American Medical Association
  • JASN

    Journal of the American Society of Nephrology

    Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physics - Data Exchange
  • JCGM

    Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology
  • JCL

    Job Control Language
  • JETT

    Joint Equipment Transition Team (ISPE term)
  • JIS

    Japanese Industrial Standards
  • JIT

    Just In Time

    Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
  • Job

    (IEEE) A user-defined unit of work that is to be accomplished by a computer. For example, the compilation, loading, and execution of a computer program.
  • Job Control Language (JCL)

    (IEEE) A language used to identify a sequence of jobs, describe their requirements to an operating system, and control their execution.
  • Joint Category

    The term “Categories” as used in Section VIII (Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels), Division I, Subsection B, Part UW-3 specify special requirements regarding joint type and degree of inspection for certain welded pressure joints. Since these special requirements , which are based on service, material, and thickness, do not apply to every weld joint, only those joints to which special requirements apply are included in the categories. These categories are:a)Category A. Longitudinal welded joints within the main shell, communicating chambers, transitions in diameter, or nozzles; any welded joint within a sphere, within a formed or flat head, or within the side plates of a flat-sided vessel; circumferential welded joints connecting hemispherical heads to main shells, to transitions in diameters, to nozzles, or to communicating chambers.b)Category B. Circumferential welded joints within the main shell, communicating chambers, nozzles, or transitions in diameter including joints between the transition and a cylinder at either the large or small end; circumferential welded joints connecting formed heads other than hemispherical to main shells, to transition in diameter, to nozzles, or to communicating chambers.c)Category C. Welded joints connecting flanges, Van Stone laps, tubesheets, or flat heads to main shell, to formed heads, to transitions in diameter, to nozzles, or to communicating chambers any welded joint connecting one side plate to another side plate or a flat-sided vessel.d)Category D. Welded joints connecting communicating chambers or nozzles to main shells, to spheres, to transitions in diameter, to heads, or to flat-sided vessels, and those joints connecting nozzles to communicating chambers.
  • Joint Efficiency

    Joint efficiencies as used in Section VIII (Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessel), Division I, Subsection B, Part UW-12 apply to joints completed by an arc or gas welding process. Except as required by Part UW-11 (Radiographic and Ultrasonic Examination), a joint efficiency depends only on the type of joint and on the degree of examination of any other joint. Requirements for degree of radiographic examination are described in Part UW-51 (Radiographic and Radioscopic Examination of welded joints), and Part UW-52 (Spot examination of Welded Joints).
  • Joint Penetration

    The depth that a weld extends from its face into a joint, exclusive of reinforcement.
  • Joint Types

    Joint types as described in Table UW-12 (Maximum Allowable Joint Efficiencies for Arc and Gas Welded Joints) of Section VIII, Division I, Subsection B are:a)Type 1. Butt joints as attained by double-welding or by other means which will obtain the same quality of deposited weld metal on the inside and outside weld surfaces to agree with the requirements of UW-35 (Finished Longitudinal and Circumferential Joints). Welds using metal backing strips which remain in place are excluded.b)Type 2. Single-welded butt joint with backing strip.c)Type 3. Single-welded butt joint without use of backing strip.d)Type 4. Double full fillet lap joint.e)Type 5. Single full fillet lap joints with plug welds conforming to UW-17 (Plug Welds).
  • Joule (J)

    The amount of energy needed to apply a force of 1 Newton over a distance of 1 meter.
  • JP

    Japanese Pharmacopeia
  • JPEG

    Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • JPI

    Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation (ISPE term)

    JPI Editorial Advisory Committee (ISPE term)
  • JPMA

    Japanese Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association
  • JRO

    Japan Representative Office
  • Junk DNA

    Stretches of DNA that do not code for genes; most of the genome consists of so called junk DNA.
  • Justice

    An ethical principle discussed in the Belmont Report requiring fairness in distribution of burdens and benefits; often expressed in terms of treating persons of similar circumstances or characteristics similarly.